What Time Of The Day Do Slots Hit

Any gambler has wondered at least once what the best time to play at a casino is. You have probably heard from someone that they have lucky days or lucky times of the day. But if this had been true, this information would have quickly spread amongst the gamblers. Players would come at certain times to play certain slot machines, and at other times, no one would approach that slot. That sounds very strange, and nobody does that. So, does it matter what time you play the slot, or it does not?
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Table of Contents:
Common Misconceptions
Always Check the Game’s RTP 
Take Advantage of Bonuses and Promotions
Keep an Eye on Progressive Jackpots
Play Only in a Good Mood 

Common Misconceptions

Practice shows that the most popular time to play slots is at the end of the workweek and during weekends. This is when the crowds visit the casinos in Las Vegas and when millions of people from all over the world play online casino games.

In addition to the free time clients get, all sorts of promotions lure them to the casinos. Weekend bonuses and promotions are common practice at casinos. Since the casinos have a high influx of gamblers at weekends, they usually have their bonus days at weekends as well. 

It is not surprising that most winnings fall on those days, as the number of people playing slot games and trying to hit the jackpot is at its highest. It makes sense that people who only play on a Friday night and win during that time would not remember that they were losing big on the same day of the week earlier. 

A human brain is designed to always look for patterns and connections so that it does not waste energy analysing the same situations in the future. Unfortunately, some of such conclusions are wrong and based on wrong judgments. This explains why gamblers sometimes have strange superstitions: lucky slots, lucky shirts, lucky times of the day, etc.

For this reason, some gamblers believe that there is a better time to play slot machines because their odds of winning are supposed to be higher. But there is no evidence to support this assumption, as licensed gambling operators are not allowed to interfere with the slot algorithms. 

So, the idea that there is a higher probability of winning at certain times is ridiculous. No slot machines payout is affected by the day of the week, holidays, etc. 

Always Check the Game’s RTP 

Professional players focus on the RTP (return to player) ratio when choosing slots. This indicator shows how generous the slot machine is. Based on this figure, it is possible to choose a winning strategy. 

Each provider sets a different RTP for their slots: it shows what percentage of the casino's winnings the player receives. In other words, the RTP percentage shows how much a player will get from a win, and what percentage will be kept by the casino in the long run. 

Online casinos always have higher RTPs than land-based casinos because of lower slot machine maintenance costs. RTP values can also vary from region to region: they can be significantly different in different cities or states in the same country.

World-famous providers, recognised leaders, always release slots with an RTP of at least 95%. Thus, they increase players' loyalty and boost not only gamblers' profits but also their own income. 

Since you've already realised that your chances of winning don't depend on a specific day of the week, you might want to know how to make slots pay you more. 

Take Advantage of Bonuses and Promotions

All respectable gambling clubs occasionally hold prize draws, tournaments and entertainment programmes. All self-respecting gambling clubs occasionally organise raffles, tournaments and other fun programmes, and it would be a mistake not to take advantage of them, as they can significantly increase your bankroll if used correctly. So, when a casino offers you a lucrative bonus or a free ticket to a tournament, then that's a good time to gamble. 

Keep an Eye on Progressive Jackpots

Don't count on a big prize soon after someone else's win. But when the jackpot amount becomes impressive, it's also a good time for you to win big. The bigger the progressive jackpot becomes, the more chances you have of winning it. A huge prize can change anyone's life, so don't wait for someone else to win it, take action yourself and you might get lucky! 

Play Only in a Good Mood 

You should only think of visiting the casino when you are in a good mood, for bad emotions or lack of time will negatively affect your results and well-being. Always choose licensed casinos where you feel most comfortable and enjoy playing. Remember, you didn't come to the casino to make money, but to have a good time and enjoy your free time. 


Now that you've got all the information you need, and you know that slots pay regardless of the time, it's time we summarised and drew some conclusions about the best time to play slots machines. So, The best time to play casino games is: 

✔  When you are offered a profitable bonus with good wagering conditions: a reload bonus on your deposit, free spins on popular slots, or some other promotion. 

✔  When you can take part in a tournament with an impressive prize pool and not much competition. This could be a free event or a tournament with an entry fee that is acceptable to you. 

✔  When the cumulative jackpot has reached an amount that makes the game too profitable to be missed. 

✔  When you have some spare money. You probably know that you should never gamble using money from your family budget or business. You should also never gamble in debt. Got some extra cash and want to take a gamble? Then, it's time to try your luck at the casino games. 

✔  When you are in a good mood and in good health. Play when you are healthy, fresh and alert. A sick, tired and sad person should steer clear from casinos.