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Germany vs Hungary Match Prediction: European Championship 2024 - 19 June

Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up and get ready for another exhilarating clash on the soccer field! As we look ahead to the European Championship match between Germany and Hungary on 19 June 2024, the anticipation is palpable. With a fascinating history of head-to-head encounters, these two teams have certainly provided their fair share of drama in the past.

Taking a closer look at the statistics from previous encounters, it's clear that there's very little to separate these two sides. With an even split of wins and draws, every match has been fiercely contested, leaving fans on the edge of their seats until the final whistle. It's safe to say that this upcoming showdown promises to be no different.

In the lead-up to this highly-anticipated match, both Germany and Hungary have been showcasing their prowess on the field with some impressive recent performances. Germany has demonstrated their strength with wins against formidable opponents such as Greece and Netherlands, albeit with a slight setback against Austria. On the other hand, Hungary has also shown commendable form with notable victories over teams like Israel and Turkey.

As we analyze the current form of both teams, it's evident that they are primed for a battle of epic proportions. Each squad will be looking to leverage their recent successes while addressing any areas of improvement. The stakes are high, and both teams will undoubtedly leave no stone unturned in their quest for victory.

With all eyes on this gripping encounter, one can only wonder what twists and turns await us on match day. Will Germany’s strong attacking prowess make a significant impact? Or will Hungary defy expectations and pull off an upset? Only time will tell as these two footballing powerhouses go head-to-head once again.

Regardless of which team emerges victorious at the end of 90 minutes, one thing is for certain – fans are in for a treat as they witness two formidable sides battle it out on the pitch. So mark your calendars and get ready to witness high-octane action as Germany takes on Hungary in this European Championship showdown!

Bettors choice 👇

The prediction consists of real statistics of our clients based on past wagers before the beginning of the game. The bookie's clients are placing the following bets on the match Germany – Hungary:
Highly popular bets of our customers on total scored goals in this match

Will "Germany" defeat "Hungary"?

"Germany" has a very low chance to win. The score is based on the results of previous matches and odds of the bookmaker.

Will "Hungary" defeat "Germany"?

"Hungary" has a very low chance of succeeding in this game. The score is based on the results of previous matches and odds of the bookmaker.

What are the odds on "Hungary" winning?

In the game "Hungary" vs "Germany", which will take place on 19 June 2024, the bookmaker offers the following odds on "Hungary" winning: 375 .

What are the odds of a draw in the match "Germany" vs "Hungary ?

The odds of a draw in the match "Germany" vs "Hungary", which will take place on 19 June 2024, are currently equal to 130.
Quick phrases
Go Germany!✊
Germany is on fire!💪
There'll be a draw
Cheering for Hungary all the way!📣
Go for it Hungary!
You're losers Germany 😝
Hungary sucks 🍭
The game's gonna be hot!🔥
I'm rooting for Germany
I'm rooting for Hungary
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